v.ıolets violets v.ıolets


welcome to v.ıolets, i'm v.

- this is my site, where i'll document my life, my art, my stories, everything really.
- the site's still a work in progress, bear with me
- :3

about me

who am i?

- i'm v!
- i'm a uni student, a bass player and a writer. wanna learn more?

- i'm in my fourth year of a law and arts undergrad degree, i reckon i'm gonna stick around, get my masters and phd, and go into an academic career. i want to do my thesis applying sociology to law, probably some leftist shit about rehabilitation or wealth redistribution, who knows?

- i'm a shitty bass player, i got my first guitar as a kid, and i migrated from guitar to bass last year. i am terrible. but that's okay. my child is a mint ibanez tmb30

- i'm a writer. not really, i dont have anything published, but i'm working on it. i've gotta look into plagiarism and copyright stuff, to see if i can post my uni essays. otherwise, i want to do academic essays on stupid shit, like the ethics of jaywalking, or the impact of demonology on modern art, or the life and death of famous degenerates. kinda like contrapoints but written and not as good.

- i like music. a lot. check out my status to see what i'm listening to! (once/if i add a spotify embed thingy). i might add music reviews, recent listens and all-time favourites to the music page, but that's a job for later. these days, i've been listening to a lot of 80s/90s alt rock.

- i like the gym. these days i just do some cardio and mobility work, but i used to be big into being big. back in the old days, i could squat 140kg. if i didnt get rid of all my testosterone, i would've gone pro. oh well


what's new in v's life?

- working on the rebrand, stay tuned
- i just started a new uni semester, im so smart
- i had a burrito today ^.^
- i just finished a monster essay on ip. very boring. very long.
- i moved out!!

my posts

my recent works these do not work :r

- 12.03.25 - nothing :p
- 11.03.25 - jack shit :0
- 12.03.25 - nope
- 12.03.25 - not much



what's v up to?

- currently reading: anna karenina! 41% done
- currently writing: article critical analysis :d
- currently doing: big hot oiled-up men!
- currently listening to: *spotify embed?

- last seen:


- 1803 - began a separate page for new design

- 1703 - drew the new design! stay tuned

- 1603 - edited some text. didn't do much

- 1503 - failed to add 'read more's to writing

- 1403 - added some more text

- 1403 - added an (secret) thoughts page!

- 1403 - added an (unfinished) music page!

- 1303 - added an (unfinished) writing page!

- 1203 - finalised(?) the layout!!

- 1203 - made these extendable!

- 1103 - improved layout, streamlined

- 1003 - fixed layout!

- 0803 - ruined layout :o

- 0503 - updatelog & status

to do!

- make pretty!

- gifs + stamps

- guestbook!

- spotify playing?

- social medias

- webring!

- fix the scrollbar here

- make 'read more' button pretty

- make 'read more' buttons work

- make status etc disappear when small
